The USB-PA (BME280) stands as a formidable USB barometric pressure sensor, offering seamless integration into systems with its capability to transmit pressure data (in Pa) through straightforward ASCII commands via the CDC Virtual Serial port. This streamlined approach not only simplifies programming but also distinguishes itself from alternative USB communication methods, rendering it an efficient and user-friendly solution for diverse applications.


Operating Temperature (CPU):  -20°C ~ +70°C
Connection to PC:  USB (CDC Virtual COM port)
Power:  USB Powered
Pressure Accuracy:
(0-65°C, 300 to 1100 hPa)
  +/-1 hPa (+/-100 Pa)
Pressure Range:  300 - 1100 hPa (30000 - 110000 Pa)


  • USB Type A Plug.
  • Simple ASCII Command.
  • Utilizes MCU as a CDC Virtual Serial Port (using usbser.sys on Windows; natively supported by macOS and most Linux distributions).
  • Uses BME280 (a single-chip sensor) for barometric pressure sensing

Package Content

  • USB-PA (BME280) Sensor

Shipping and Payment

  • Worldwide shipping via Airmail
  • For direct purchase, we accept Paypal.

Open source resources

Source at Github

Serial command

Get Model NameGI\nUSB-PA\n
Get VersionGV\nV2.01\n
Get Barometric PressureGP\n102172.33\n
Get TemperatureGT\n21.73\n
Get HumidityGH\n39.85\n
Get Unit Name
  Default is "SENSOR", can set by user.
Set Unit Name
  Up to 8 characters, stored at FLASH.
Turn off LED Indicator
  Will restore to "Turn on" after restart
Turn on LED IndicatorI=1\nOK\n
Get all reading in JSON formatGJSON\n{"T":21.73,"H":39.85,"P":102172.33}\n

Hint: You may need to issue a newline character (\n) the first time you open the port. This can clear any unwanted characters that are sent when opening the port.


  • Command Line Interface (Win32 executable) (Download)
  • Command Line Interface (Raspberry Pi3 binary) (Download)
  • Qt Desktop program (Win32 executable) (Download)